Saturday, May 27, 2006

I Have No Discipline

One of the main reasons I started this blog was to try to get myself to develop some discipline with my art. I need to keep doing it regularly to keep in practice or else I won't get better, I'll just go suck more. So if I ever go more than 4 days or so with no post, feel free to email the hell out of me telling me to post.

My post today kinda sucks, it was just some rushed stuff so I'd have something to post, sorry.

This first one is a quick sketch of my stepfather, Chuck. The angle is a little funny, but it somewhat resembles him at least. The mouth is the main problem I think.

This one is a self portrait. An "up the nose" shot. Sexy, eh? I need to get my own camera so I can take reliable pictures, sorry the quality is so bad on this one. Anyhow, main problem is obviously the huge forehead. I'm really not a martian, I swear.

Until next time,

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Odds and Ends

I've been gone, doing work, for a few days, so I've missed lots of posting opportunities, sorry. But I'm trying to make up with a bunch of crap here. (unfortunately I had a crappy camera so pics are not great)

First here's some final shots of the Tree vs. Pyramid.

Here's my last sculpture project (which I can't say I liked very much). I had to make a wearable piece of art based off a random object that was given to me. The initial object is the pointy meat thermometer looking thing at the top. (You may notice my sunburn racoon eyes in the middle, hooray work)

And finally some quick sketches I did of my little sister looking out the window this morning.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Finished Asian Drawing

I fixed the perspective issue and added washes to the Asian Building drawing. What do you think of it now? I can't decide if I like it more with or without the washes. Or maybe just without the color washes would be better?

(Click for larger view, as usual)

I'm brainstorming and sketching out some ideas for this week's Illustration Friday topic, "Angels and Devils". Keep an eye out for the results within a few days.


Monday, May 15, 2006

Ink Practice

Here's some of the result from a little ink and wash practice I did. Not great, but I felt like posting something.


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

A quick drawing I did for my mother. Cheesy?
It's not as good as I'd hoped it would turn out. I did not have a real flower, just some photographs. I just wanted a good reason to play with ink some more I guess.

(Click for larger view)


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Asian Style Inks

I did a failry quick ink drawing last night based on a panel in a "Lone Wolf and Cub" graphic novel. I like it fairly well except for the one major perspective flaw. I intend to fix that and later apply some washes to really finish off the piece.

I really like working with ink and I like what I end up with. I plan on doing a lot more with it over the summer.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

Surgeon General's Warning:

You've probably heard somewhere by now that our country has a problem. Well it has many problems, but the particular one that I'm referring to is the inability to think for one's self. You can no longer buy a cup of coffee without being warned that it's hot! That, and the obesity problem are what inspired the project that I just finished up.

I was thinking of making stickers, ala "Mr. Yuck" to slap onto particular foods on a run throughout he grocery store. Anyone want to help me? If you want to try something less imposing, you can click on the Mayo label picture to get a larger version which you can print out and stick onto your own Mayo jars at home, just to be safe :)


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Buried Treasure!

Sorry it's been such a long stretch since the last update. I've mostly just been busy fixing up projects and haven't done anything new. However, I do have something that I've fixed up and have not yet posted, so here it is!

It's a memory box, modeled after Bettye Saar's work. None of the objects are actually created by me, just the arrangement. It looks much cooler in person than in the pictures, unfortunately. (Click for a much larger view)

And here is a final shot of pencilman after I got him back from his evaluation. I tried to add some more dimension with black oil paint. It didn't work out quite as well as I'd hoped. I also finished off the bottom of his feet so he stands much better, though you can't really tell that from the photos.

The school semester is just about finished but I have lots of ideas for things I'd like to work on over the summer, so hopefully I'll have even more posts in the next few months because I'll be doing only the stuff that I really want.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Digital Art Cocaine

I can no longer live without a "Cintiq - Interactive Pen Display". Who wants to spot me $3,000 to buy one? I'll probably need another $3,000 for a competent machine as well.

Check out this video of a guy using one. It's amazing.

Thanks for contributing,

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Paint is good

At first I didn't like it so much, but I think I'm really beginning to enjoy painting more than drawing. I worked a couple more days on the clematis painting and I think it's pretty much done at this point. Here's a couple shots.

And here's a sneak preview of my next drawing project :)

I turned in Pencilman and the Tree & Pyramid today. I'll post final shots after I get them back next week.
