Saturday, April 03, 2010

Post 100! FLASH!

It's been about 2 years.... gah! Time to get back into the swing of being creative. I put out an ad to maybe get involved with some other artists or something. And I'm really going to try to push myself just to start drawing or painting or doing something again. But until I get something worth posting up here, I've got something else to entertain...

I made a bunch of little flash projects while I was in school that I was never able to get posted up on the web very well. But now I have a friend that's allowing me some hosting space on his website so I can start putting them up here.

Starting off with a simple example of a flash menu system that I made up to fit the style of this site and work as a gallery of my art.

~ Looks like I'll have to put some time into rearranging the layout of the site a bit to accommodate to some of my flash files. Check back later to get a better view of this.