We're at the end of the semester so I've been pretty busy with stuff, sorry about the lack of posts. Here's my suite of items I created for Captain Hal's.
First, a flyer that you might find in a newspaper. I took the photo myself with a McDonald's fish sandwich and fries. I wanted one of those red basket things they use at some restaurants but the bowl was all I could get a hold of. Did a tiny bit of photo editing in photoshop then slapped it into the InDesign page I made and voila.
Here's some coasters. No explanation needed.
And finally a kids menu / placemat. The final version had a bunch of bubbles placed randomly on it to make it look more festive, but I forgot to email myself that file, so, whatever.
That's all for now.
(oh, and just in case you were wondering about the "Captain's Shake" click here.)