Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Clay People - Figure 4

Looking back, I seem to have forgotten to snap shots of my third figure, oops. Well, you didn't miss anything. I felt like that was my weakest one so far... and my teacher seemed to agree. Awesome.

Anyhow, here's my recently completed 4th figure. I think it's my best yet, but for some reason the teacher doesn't think it's as good as the "B" I got for figure 2. Well, whatever, sculpture is not really my thing.

As for the triptych painting I'm working on, well, I'm still working on it. The final version of it is due next Tuesday by the latest, so I'll have something up here by then. Good news, my friend saw my progress on it over the weekend and he said he really liked it, and he has before said that he doesn't like art. So it got a response from someone that usually doesn't respond, I thought that was pretty cool.
