Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Buried Treasure!

Sorry it's been such a long stretch since the last update. I've mostly just been busy fixing up projects and haven't done anything new. However, I do have something that I've fixed up and have not yet posted, so here it is!

It's a memory box, modeled after Bettye Saar's work. None of the objects are actually created by me, just the arrangement. It looks much cooler in person than in the pictures, unfortunately. (Click for a much larger view)

And here is a final shot of pencilman after I got him back from his evaluation. I tried to add some more dimension with black oil paint. It didn't work out quite as well as I'd hoped. I also finished off the bottom of his feet so he stands much better, though you can't really tell that from the photos.

The school semester is just about finished but I have lots of ideas for things I'd like to work on over the summer, so hopefully I'll have even more posts in the next few months because I'll be doing only the stuff that I really want.